JOUC NHK-2 1377 kHz
Non-verie Verification

NHK in Yamaguchi sent this letter with a nice photo of their studio for a reception report of JOUC, their NHK-2 outlet on 1377 kHz. The reception was made via the ArcticSDR in Kongsfjord, Norway. They said they are happy to hear that I was able to hear their station at a distant place but it is against their company policy to issue any kind of verification, and they apologized. I am at a loss to figure this out. On one hand, they acknowledge that I heard their station, but at the same time, they cannot issue a verification. Any thoughts anyone?

Radio Dublin International

In the 1980’s Radio Dublin International was widely heard by DXers. It was a nominal pirate that apparently found a loophole in the law to allow themselves to broadcast for several years. According to their QSL card, they also broadcast on MW and FM.
