Celebrating Fifty years of QSLing

Nearly half a century ago, on December 22, 1969, I successfully logged WHAS, WCCO, WWL, and KTWO, receiving QSL cards as confirmation for my reception reports. Now, I’m gearing up to replicate this feat on the upcoming Sunday, December 22, 2019. While WHAS and WWL should pose little challenge here in Maryland, the task might prove trickier due to the presence of newer stations on the channel. KTWO presents an even greater challenge, especially with WBZ and KTWO’s null direction towards my location. Contemplating the use of a remote SDR over the internet to log KTWO, I intend to be transparent with the station about this approach. Anticipating an enjoyable endeavor, I hope for a positive response from KTWO. Reflecting on the passage of time, it’s remarkable to think how many years have passed since my initial logging endeavors.