Radio DDR 1

Rundfunk der DDR logo
Radio DDR 1 was a radio network in East Germany. Its programming consisted of light entertainment and news. It was founded in 1953 and ceased transmissions in 1990 when the two Germany’s united. Its broadcasting facilities were absorbed by other German broadcasters.

It was possible to hear all of Radio DDR 1’s from our home in southern Germany. You can see the QSL cards they sent back for my receptions reports.

Berliner Rundfunk

Berliner Rundfunk logoBerliner Rundfunk was a radio station network in East Germany. It was established soon after World War II by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany. The station’s focus was political and primarily centered around events in East Berlin. It ceased transmissions in February 1990 when the two parts of Germany united. Soon after, a private radio station co-opted the network’s name and started broadcasting on 91.4 MHz in Berlin.

I was able to receive all of their medium wave outlets at our home in Southern Germany. They sent these full data QSL cards in response to my reception reports. (Scroll down to view all of the QSL cards I received from them.)

Radio Bremen

Fernmeldeturm Bremen
(Public Domain –




Radio Bremen is the smallest public broadcaster in Germany, serving the city state of Bremen, which also includes Bremerhaven. Their medium wave transmitter using 936 kHz is operated by Radio Bremen. The Deutsche Telekom operates the transmitters for Radio Bremen’s FM and TV signals from the Bremen-Walle Telecommouncation Tower (seen on the left) and from a site in Bremerhaven. They also used to broadcast their programs on a shortwave transmitter on 6190 kHz.

The station responded to my reception reports by issuing the QSL cards seen below.